Thursday, July 23, 2015

Goldfish Release

Hi, everyone!

We are now two weeks away from our departure from Minnesota.  Lots of logistics are in play and a big one came down today: the issue of our kids' goldfish.  After some discussion of adoption versus freedom, the kids opted for freedom.  So, they split the three goldfish into three bags, and we headed to our local beach for 'the release.'

One fish, two fish...
It was (happily) a jovial and celebratory moment.  The kids opened their bags and cheered on their respective fish.  I was greatly relieved that no larger fish snapped them up upon release.  I was also pleased that once released, the water was murky enough that we could all imagine them regrouping and heading out into the wild, blue yonder searching for adventure, a la Finding Nemo.  We'll just leave it at that.

The release...

River swimming and ice cream followed.

We're knee-deep in packing, house showings and cleaning. With each passing day, however, we are more and more excited.  The kids and Katherine had their visa appointments in Chicago yesterday, which (we hope) should be the last visit to the consulate...knock on wood.

Friday, July 10, 2015


Welcome to Here for the Bread, a blog for our family and friends to keep up with our happenings in France.  We currently live in Minnesota, but for the eight years when we were living in Maine, I sent out lots of emails with photos of the kids and of our lives in general.  This seems like a more convenient way to keep in touch.  Here goes!

So we are now about six weeks away from our departure to Lyon.  A bit of history on this move might be in order...

I'm a classical musician and my wife is a doctor.  We have three terrific kids, ages 5, 8 and 10. We used to live in Maine, where our kids were enrolled in French immersion schools.  Here in Minnesota, they've continued their studies with a French tutor.  Why French?  Aside from being a beautiful language, it was the only immersion language taught  near us in Maine.  Had there been only a Turkish immersion school in Maine, we would have just as eagerly placed the kids there.  A second language is a priceless benefit, and we took full advantage.

What we're leaving...
Fast forward to now.  We've wanted to live in Europe for some time, and I began to look into various visas which would allow us to live there for a year.  I stumbled upon a wonderful, but obscure visa called the 'Competences et Talents' (skills and talents) which is awarded to artists (and others), likely to contribute to the culture of France and the to culture of their home country.  After painstakingly putting together the nearly 100 page dossier required for this visa, I submitted it.  I waited, and waited.  I waited some more.  I got nervous.  I got so nervous that I got shingles (mild, thank goodness).  Finally, after four weeks, the postman delivered a package from the consulate with the news that I had been approved for the Competences et Talents (a cork was popped).  With that in hand, we simply decided to take the plunge.  So we've enrolled the kids in a French school district in Vieux Lyon, we've been selling almost everything we own, and we are heading out in about six weeks.

Where we're going!
I'll be updating the blog as often as I can.  Right now, I'm prepping for a major recording project and we are in the process of selling the house.  It's a time of major change, and luckily the kids are handling it really well. They are excited, but wondering what our move will bring.  I remind them, daily, of the bread...